Overview • Related Work • Hardware • Description • Tools • Datasets
The UTIAS In the Dark and Multiseason datasets contain 159,549 stereo image pairs collected at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies. In both experiments, a closed loop path was manually driven to create a Teach run then the robot autonomously re-traversed the path at staggered time intervals creating Repeat runs. Stereo keyframes were captured approximately every 0.2 metres with all keyframes accurately localized back to the Teach run. Relative transforms for each stereo pair are provided in human-readable text files. A set of Python tools is provided to work with the data. As few or as many repeat runs as desired can be downloaded. Potential uses for these datasets include research in deep visual localization, deep visual odometry, all-weather localization, and experience-based localization. They may also be useful for work on dense stereo reconstruction, simultaneous localization and mapping, robust image mapping, or saliency detection. See Related Work for more past uses.
The UTIAS In the Dark dataset is a collection of 39 runs of a 260 metre path that were collected approximately once an hour over 30 hours. Headlights were used to continue traversal at night. This provides a full cycle of daily lighting conditions that may be used for comparison. Challenges include high sun glare as well as varying shadows occurring at dusk and dawn. The scenery is a mix of buildings, fencing, roads, and off-road vegetation. In this dataset, low-grade GPS data is provided as an extra for 23 of the 39 runs.
The UTIAS Multiseason dataset is a collection of 136 runs of a separate 160 metre loop that were collected approximately once per day from January 31, 2017 to May 27, 2017. The runs cover a range of seasonal appearances from mixed snow cover over dead vegetation to fully grown grass and shrubs in warm weather. They also feature a range of illumination changes due to both the varied start time of runs and the changing sun position throughout the spring. The scenery is mainly natural vegetation with some man-made structures. Weather varies from snowfall to freezing rain to overcast skies to full sun. High wind on later runs causes changes in vegetation geometry providing a challenge to visual odometry and localization algorithms.
UTIAS In the Dark and Multiseason were collected using Visual Teach & Repeat (VT&R), a system to allow highly accurate autonomous traversal of a previously manually driven path using only a vision sensor. For more information on VT&R, see Furgale and Barfoot (2010). These datasets are unique in capturing stereo imagery of the same off-road loop many times in different conditions. Accurate ground-truth is provided by VT&R's Multi-Experience Localization (MEL). It uses bridging experiences to match images captured under lighting and weather conditions that are drastically different from the original Teach pass. See MacTavish et al. (2018) for more information.
These datasets are most similar to the Oxford RobotCar Dataset. However, ours feature off-road terrain and the accurate autonomous traversals of VT&R provide a higher degree of viewpoint invariance. UTIAS In the Dark also captures short-term illumination changes in a systematic way, unconfounded by long-term structural or seasonal change. They also share similarities with the Symphony Lake Dataset in capturing a variety of weather and seasonal changes through repeated surveys of a natural environment. The Symphony Lake Dataset does not capture stereo data, however, and the same route is only approximately followed each run. Like the New College Dataset, our dataset captures stereo imagery of the same loop of a mixed environment, though ours was collected over multiple runs providing a far greater amount of appearance change. We believe these datasets are a novel contribution to the robotics and computer vision communities and will be of use to many researchers.
The following publications have used these datasets in their work. If you use one or both of these datasets, please email ben.congram [at] robotics.utias.utoronto.ca to be added to the list.
[1] Gridseth M and Barfoot T D. “DeepMEL: Compiling Visual Multi-Experience Localization into a Deep Neural Network”. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Paris, France, 31 May - 4 June 2020.
[2] Clement L E, Gridseth M, Tomasi J, and Kelly J. "Learning Matchable Image Transformations for Long-term Metric Visual Localization". IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL), 5(2):1492–1499, January 2020. doi: 10.1109/LRA.2020.2967659.
[3] Gridseth M and Barfoot T D. “Towards Direct Localization for Visual Teach and Repeat”. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV). Kingston, Canada, 29-31 May 2019. doi: 10.1109/CRV.2019.00021.
[4] Zhang N, Warren M, and Barfoot T D. “Learning Place-and-Time-Dependent Binary Descriptors for Long-Term Visual Localization”. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Brisbane, Australia, 21-25 May 2018. doi: 10.1109/ICRA.2018.8460674.
[5] MacTavish K A, Paton M, and Barfoot T D. “Selective Memory: Recalling Relevant Experience for Long-Term Visual Localization”. Journal of Field Robotics, 35(8):1265–1292, 2018. doi: 10.1002/rob.21838.
[6] MacTavish K A, Paton M, and Barfoot T D. “Night Rider: Visual Odometry Using Headlights”. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), pages 314–320. Edmonton, Alberta, 16-19 May 2017. doi: DOI 10.1109/CRV.2017.48.
[7] MacTavish K A, Paton M, and Barfoot T D. “Visual Triage: A Bag-of-Words Experience Selector for Long-Term Visual Route Following”. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 2065–2072. Singapore, 29 May - 3 June 2017. doi: 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989238.
[8] Paton M, MacTavish K A, Warren M, and Barfoot T D. “Bridging the Appearance Gap: Multi-Experience Localization for Long-Term Visual Teach and Repeat”. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 1918–1925. Daejeon, Korea, 9-14 October 2016. doi: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759303.
Both datasets were captured aboard a Clearpath Robotics Grizzly Robotic Utility Vehicle. A Point Grey Bumblebee XB3 stereo camera was rigidly mounted to a mast on the Grizzly. The XB3 provides a 0.24 metre baseline and 512 x 384 resolution. The full stereo stream was collected at 16 Hz but has been downsampled with stereo keyframes provided approximately every 0.2 metres travelled. On-board headlights were rigidly mounted below the stereo camera and used to illuminate scenery during the night-time traversals of the In the Dark dataset. A GPS unit logged low-grade GPS data for a portion of the In the Dark dataset runs (though was not used to assist the autonomous traversals).
The camera parameters are given here: camera_parameters.txt
The transformation matrix describing the rigid transform from the vehicle frame to the camera frame, T_camera_vehicle, is given here: transform_camera_vehicle.txt
The transformation matrix describing the rigid transform from the vehicle frame to the GPS frame, T_gps_vehicle, is given here: transform_gps_vehicle.txt
To work with a dataset, start by downloading the Teach run, run_000000, and as many repeat runs as desired. Keyframes in the Teach run have been localized to the following Teach run keyframe via visual odometry. All repeat run keyframes are localized back to the Teach run via visual localization. The relative transformation between any two vertices in the dataset can be found by chaining poses through the Teach run. Note: transforms between topologically near vertices in the pose graph can be considered very accurate, but transformations between distant vertices should not be relied upon. The figure below illustrates the pose graph form with dots representing vertices and arrows representing transformations. The first number in the vertex ID tuple indicates the run number while the second number indicates the pose within the run.
The figure to the right illustrates the coordinate frames applicable to these datasets.
All transformation data is given as relative transformations of the vehicle frame between vertices. The vehicle frame is approximately situated in the centre of the Grizzly at axle level. Images are captured in the camera frame. The camera frame is centered at the left stereo camera. GPS measurements are recorded as absolute measurements of the GPS frame with respect to an inertial frame. The 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrices describing the rigid transformations between the sensor and vehicle frames are provided in the Hardware section.
Transformation matrices use the T_to_from convention. For example, to transform a point expressed in to its coordinates expressed in
one would do
the following:
Here, is the coordinates of point j with respect to point b in
, and
is the coordinates of
point j with respect to point a in
is the rotation matrix from
is the translation vector from
, expressed in
The datasets are split into run folders. run_000017 contains the 17th repeat run. In each run folder, there is an image folder with subdirectories for the left and right stereo images. Images are named after their corresponding vertices. For example, run_000004/images/left/000065.png corresponds to vertex (4,65). Also in the run folder is a timestamps_images.txt file and a transformation file — either transforms_temporal.txt for Teach runs, or transforms_spatial.txt for Repeat runs. GPS measurements, when available, are provided in a separate text file, gps.txt, and their timestamps in timestamps_gps.txt.
The transformation data is contained in human-readable, comma-delimited text files. Each row provides the SE(3) transformation matrix between two vertices. The first two values represent the vertex ID of vertex A, the second two values
the ID of vertex B, then the remaining 16 values provide the transformation matrix in row-major order.
The timestamp files are also human-readable and comma-delimited with each row representing the timestamp of one vertex. The first value is the vertex number and the second a Unix timestamp in nanoseconds. These may be converted to UTC via standard datetime library functions.
The GPS measurement files are human-readable and comma-delimited with each row representing the closest GPS measurement to a particular vertex. The run number and vertex number are listed first followed by latitude, longitude, and altitude. A file containing the Unix timestamps of these measurements is also included.
To simplify processing this data, Python tools have been provided in a GitHub repository. The scripts parse the text files to build a pose graph from the stored runs. The created graph can be used to calculate both the metric transformations and topological distance between particular vertices. It can also be queried to return other vertices within a particular radius of a given vertex.
This section provides individual zip files for each run containing the stereo images and text files for the transformations, timestamps, and GPS measurements if available. A Python downloader script has also been provided to aid in downloading large portions of the datasets. A video preview is provided for each run to quickly see weather
and lighting conditions before downloading. Note: some runs in the Multiseason dataset do not form a complete loop.
Important note: This dataset provides ftp download links. Some browsers no longer enable ftp links by default and you need to change the settings if you want to download using the browser. Using the wget command or the download script is an alternative to avoid the browser.
Run |
Start Time |
Description |
Preview |
Number of Frames |
Download |
000000 |
July 19 - 08:58 EDT |
morning, sunny |
Yes |
1116 |
.zip |
000001 |
July 19 - 09:09 EDT |
morning, sunny, small shadows |
Yes |
1195 |
.zip |
000002 |
July 19 - 09:46 EDT |
morning, sunny, small shadows |
Yes |
1092 |
.zip |
000003 |
July 19 - 10:58 EDT |
morning, sunny, small shadows |
No |
1122 |
.zip |
000004 |
July 19 - 12:29 EDT |
mid-day, cloudy |
No |
981 |
.zip |
000005 |
July 19 - 16:48 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, small shadows |
Yes |
1086 |
.zip |
000006 |
July 19 - 18:36 EDT |
evening, sunny, medium shadows, large sun glare |
Yes |
1602 |
.zip |
000007 |
July 19 - 19:31 EDT |
evening, sunny, long shadows, large sun glare |
No |
2220 |
.zip |
000008 |
July 19 - 20:01 EDT |
evening, low sun, large sun glare |
No |
2652 |
.zip |
000009 |
July 19 - 20:17 EDT |
evening, low sun, large sun glare |
Yes |
2505 |
.zip |
000010 |
July 19 - 20:30 EDT |
evening, low sun, small sun glare |
Yes |
958 |
.zip |
000011 |
July 19 - 20:44 EDT |
dusk, low sun |
Yes |
886 |
.zip |
000012 |
July 19 - 21:00 EDT |
dusk, low sun |
Yes |
862 |
.zip |
000013 |
July 19 - 21:12 EDT |
dusk, little natural light |
Yes |
2226 |
.zip |
000014 |
July 19 - 21:26 EDT |
dusk, little natural light |
Yes |
3335 |
.zip |
000015 |
July 19 - 21:37 EDT |
dusk, little natural light |
Yes |
3710 |
.zip |
000016 |
July 19 - 21:48 EDT |
dusk, dark |
Yes |
3634 |
.zip |
000017 |
July 19 - 21:58 EDT |
nighttime, dark |
Yes |
3907 |
.zip |
000018 |
July 19 - 22:28 EDT |
nighttime, dark |
Yes |
3701 |
.zip |
000019 |
July 19 - 22:40 EDT |
nighttime, dark |
Yes |
3718 |
.zip |
000020 |
July 20 - 04:29 EDT |
nighttime, dark |
No |
4042 |
.zip |
000021 |
July 20 - 05:10 EDT |
dawn, little natual light |
No |
3754 |
.zip |
000022 |
July 20 - 05:23 EDT |
dawn, little natual light |
No |
2761 |
.zip |
000023 |
July 20 - 05:34 EDT |
dawn, light sky |
No |
1274 |
.zip |
000024 |
July 20 - 05:48 EDT |
dawn, light sky |
No |
964 |
.zip |
000025 |
July 20 - 06:04 EDT |
dawn, light sky |
Yes |
1012 |
.zip |
000026 |
July 20 - 06:16 EDT |
dawn, light sky |
Yes |
1111 |
.zip |
000027 |
July 20 - 06:31 EDT |
dawn, large sun glare |
Yes |
2613 |
.zip |
000028 |
July 20 - 06:44 EDT |
dawn, large sun glare |
Yes |
1826 |
.zip |
000029 |
July 20 - 07:03 EDT |
dawn, large sun glare |
Yes |
1873 |
.zip |
000030 |
July 20 - 07:19 EDT |
dawn, medium shadows, large sun glare |
Yes |
1716 |
.zip |
000031 |
July 20 - 07:39 EDT |
dawn, medium shadows, small sun glare |
Yes |
1173 |
.zip |
000032 |
July 20 - 08:35 EDT |
morning, medium shadows, small sun glare |
No |
1034 |
.zip |
000033 |
July 20 - 09:18 EDT |
morning, sunny, small shadows |
No |
1045 |
.zip |
000034 |
July 20 - 10:21 EDT |
morning, cloudy, small shadows |
No |
986 |
.zip |
000035 |
July 20 - 11:26 EDT |
mid-day, sunny, small shadows |
No |
1080 |
.zip |
000036 |
July 20 - 12:29 EDT |
mid-day, cloudy, small shadows |
No |
1071 |
.zip |
000037 |
July 20 - 14:01 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, small shadows |
No |
989 |
.zip |
000038 |
July 20 - 15:30 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, small shadows |
No |
950 |
.zip |
Run |
Start Time |
Description |
Preview |
Number of Frames |
Download |
000000 |
January 31 - 12:39 EST |
mid-day, overcast, little snow, brown grass |
826 |
.zip |
000001 |
January 31 - 12:48 EST |
mid-day, overcast, little snow, brown grass |
827 |
.zip |
000002 |
January 31 - 12:55 EST |
mid-day, overcast, little snow, brown grass |
849 |
.zip |
000003 |
January 31 - 15:04 EST |
afternoon, overcast, little snow, brown grass |
716 |
.zip |
000004 |
February 01 - 12:23 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, some snow, brown grass |
717 |
.zip |
000005 |
February 02 - 15:32 EST |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
702 |
.zip |
000006 |
February 02 - 17:19 EST |
dusk, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
631 |
.zip |
000007 |
February 03 - 11:18 EST |
morning, sunny, some snow, brown grass |
757 |
.zip |
000008 |
February 03 - 12:57 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, some snow, brown grass |
721 |
.zip |
000009 |
February 03 - 13:13 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, some snow, brown grass |
686 |
.zip |
000010 |
February 03 - 14:38 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, some snow, brown grass |
844 |
.zip |
000011 |
February 03 - 15:16 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, some snow, brown grass |
769 |
.zip |
000012 |
February 07 - 08:59 EST |
morning, overcast, little snow, brown grass |
933 |
.zip |
000013 |
February 07 - 09:04 EST |
morning, overcast, little snow, brown grass |
872 |
.zip |
000014 |
February 07 - 14:16 EST |
afternoon, overcast, little snow, brown grass |
1218 |
.zip |
000015 |
February 07 - 15:50 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, little snow, brown grass |
1104 |
.zip |
000016 |
February 07 - 16:22 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, little snow, brown grass |
1315 |
.zip |
000017 |
February 07 - 17:17 EST |
dusk, cloudy, little snow, brown grass |
1138 |
.zip |
000018 |
February 08 - 17:20 EST |
dusk, cloudy, little snow, brown grass |
725 |
.zip |
000019 |
February 08 - 17:41 EST |
dusk, cloudy, snowing lightly, little snow, brown grass |
850 |
.zip |
000020 |
February 08 - 17:54 EST |
dusk, cloudy, snowing lightly, little snow, brown grass |
1640 |
.zip |
000021 |
February 08 - 18:22 EST |
nighttime, cloudy, snowing lightly, little snow, brown grass |
652 |
.zip |
000022 |
February 09 - 15:06 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, little snow, brown grass |
579 |
.zip |
000023 |
February 09 - 16:34 EST |
afternoon, sunny, little snow, brown grass |
579 |
.zip |
000024 |
February 10 - 12:15 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, little snow, brown grass |
576 |
.zip |
000025 |
February 10 - 12:22 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, little snow, brown grass |
575 |
.zip |
000026 |
February 10 - 12:30 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, little snow, brown grass |
537 |
.zip |
000027 |
February 10 - 14:54 EST |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
592 |
.zip |
000028 |
February 10 - 15:06 EST |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
595 |
.zip |
000029 |
February 10 - 16:08 EST |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
638 |
.zip |
000030 |
February 10 - 16:20 EST |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
730 |
.zip |
000031 |
February 10 - 17:25 EST |
dusk, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
687 |
.zip |
000032 |
February 11 - 12:03 EST |
mid-day, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
641 |
.zip |
000033 |
February 11 - 16:18 EST |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
588 |
.zip |
000034 |
February 13 - 14:38 EST |
afternoon, overcast, full snow |
714 |
.zip |
000035 |
February 13 - 15:45 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, full snow |
636 |
.zip |
000036 |
February 13 - 16:55 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, full snow, small sun glare |
652 |
.zip |
000037 |
February 13 - 17:09 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, full snow, small sun glare |
749 |
.zip |
000038 |
February 13 - 17:47 EST |
dusk, cloudy, full snow |
650 |
.zip |
000039 |
February 13 - 18:02 EST |
dusk, cloudy, full snow |
605 |
.zip |
000040 |
February 13 - 18:11 EST |
dusk, cloudy, full snow |
640 |
.zip |
000041 |
February 13 - 18:31 EST |
nighttime, cloudy, full snow |
702 |
.zip |
000042 |
February 14 - 11:38 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, full snow |
650 |
.zip |
000043 |
February 14 - 12:17 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, full snow |
845 |
.zip |
000044 |
February 14 - 13:33 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, full snow |
611 |
.zip |
000045 |
February 14 - 14:01 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, full snow |
598 |
.zip |
000046 |
February 15 - 14:03 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, full snow |
577 |
.zip |
000047 |
February 15 - 15:20 EST |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
589 |
.zip |
000048 |
February 16 - 11:46 EST |
mid-day, sunny, some snow, brown grass, partial camera obstruction |
625 |
.zip |
000049 |
February 16 - 14:23 EST |
afternoon, sunny, some snow, brown grass |
577 |
.zip |
000050 |
February 16 - 15:11 EST |
afternoon, sunny, some snow, brown grass |
571 |
.zip |
000051 |
February 16 - 17:11 EST |
dusk, sunny, some snow, brown grass, medium sun glare |
615 |
.zip |
000052 |
February 17 - 13:43 EST |
mid-day, sunny, some snow, brown grass |
575 |
.zip |
000053 |
February 18 - 13:38 EST |
mid-day, sunny, some snow, brown grass, muddy |
580 |
.zip |
000054 |
February 18 - 15:12 EST |
afternoon, cloudy, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
582 |
.zip |
000055 |
February 18 - 16:08 EST |
afternoon, sunny, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
573 |
.zip |
000056 |
February 18 - 17:32 EST |
dusk, cloudy, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
581 |
.zip |
000057 |
February 19 - 13:12 EST |
mid-day, sunny, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
588 |
.zip |
000058 |
February 19 - 15:13 EST |
afternoon, sunny, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
600 |
.zip |
000059 |
February 19 - 16:14 EST |
afternoon, sunny, brown grass, small sun glare, muddy |
614 |
.zip |
000060 |
February 21 - 13:18 EST |
mid-day, overcast, brown grass, muddy |
592 |
.zip |
000061 |
February 21 - 13:25 EST |
mid-day, overcast, brown grass, muddy |
591 |
.zip |
000062 |
February 22 - 13:00 EST |
mid-day, overcast, brown grass, muddy |
592 |
.zip |
000063 |
February 24 - 14:58 EST |
afternoon, sunny, brown grass, muddy |
588 |
.zip |
000064 |
February 27 - 14:10 EST |
afternoon, sunny, brown grass |
594 |
.zip |
000065 |
February 27 - 18:04 EST |
dusk, overcast, brown grass |
582 |
.zip |
000066 |
February 28 - 09:49 EST |
morning, overcast, brown grass |
583 |
.zip |
000067 |
February 28 - 11:34 EST |
mid-day, overcast, brown grass |
568 |
.zip |
000068 |
March 03 - 12:23 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, brown grass |
588 |
.zip |
000069 |
March 03 - 12:28 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, brown grass |
581 |
.zip |
000070 |
March 07 - 13:53 EST |
mid-day, overcast, brown grass, muddy |
578 |
.zip |
000071 |
March 08 - 13:39 EST |
mid-day, overcast, brown grass |
583 |
.zip |
000072 |
March 08 - 15:14 EST |
afternoon, sunny, brown grass, small sun glare |
577 |
.zip |
000073 |
March 10 - 13:07 EST |
mid-day, cloudy, brown grass |
584 |
.zip |
000074 |
March 13 - 12:54 EDT |
mid-day, overcast, snowing lightly, little snow, brown grass |
529 |
.zip |
000075 |
March 13 - 14:29 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, snowing lightly, some snow, brown grass |
571 |
.zip |
000076 |
March 13 - 15:35 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
569 |
.zip |
000077 |
March 13 - 17:35 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
572 |
.zip |
000078 |
March 14 - 15:23 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
575 |
.zip |
000079 |
March 14 - 18:53 EDT |
dusk, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
578 |
.zip |
000080 |
March 15 - 18:52 EDT |
dusk, sunny, some snow, brown grass, small sun glare |
567 |
.zip |
000081 |
March 17 - 11:02 EDT |
morning, sunny, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
564 |
.zip |
000082 |
March 17 - 11:12 EDT |
morning, sunny, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
590 |
.zip |
000083 |
March 17 - 15:12 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
583 |
.zip |
000084 |
March 17 - 17:27 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
566 |
.zip |
000085 |
March 21 - 15:18 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, brown grass |
594 |
.zip |
000086 |
March 21 - 15:27 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, brown grass |
588 |
.zip |
000087 |
March 21 - 19:40 EDT |
dusk, sunny, brown grass |
591 |
.zip |
000088 |
March 23 - 12:36 EDT |
mid-day, sunny, brown grass |
591 |
.zip |
000089 |
March 27 - 16:10 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, brown grass |
587 |
.zip |
000090 |
March 27 - 16:18 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, brown grass |
587 |
.zip |
000091 |
March 27 - 16:23 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, brown grass |
589 |
.zip |
000092 |
March 27 - 16:28 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, brown grass |
588 |
.zip |
000093 |
March 29 - 13:55 EDT |
mid-day, overcast, brown grass |
592 |
.zip |
000094 |
March 29 - 14:01 EDT |
mid-day, overcast, brown grass |
587 |
.zip |
000095 |
March 31 - 09:44 EDT |
morning, overcast, some snow, brown grass |
578 |
.zip |
000096 |
March 31 - 11:41 EDT |
mid-day, overcast, little snow, brown grass, muddy |
557 |
.zip |
000097 |
April 03 - 13:29 EDT |
mid-day, overcast brown grass |
525 |
.zip |
000098 |
April 04 - 13:42 EDT |
mid-day, overcast brown grass, muddy |
536 |
.zip |
000099 |
April 06 - 17:49 EDT |
afternoon, raining, green grass, muddy |
590 |
.zip |
000100 |
April 07 - 12:21 EDT |
mid-day, overcast, some snow, muddy |
596 |
.zip |
000101 |
April 07 - 14:01 EDT |
mid-day, cloudy, some snow, green grass muddy |
576 |
.zip |
000102 |
April 07 - 14:07 EDT |
mid-day, cloudy, some snow, green grass muddy |
578 |
.zip |
000103 |
April 10 - 16:19 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, green grass, muddy |
579 |
.zip |
000104 |
April 10 - 17:43 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, muddy, small sun glare |
586 |
.zip |
000105 |
April 10 - 17:49 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, muddy, small sun glare |
587 |
.zip |
000106 |
April 11 - 18:36 EDT |
dusk, cloudy, green grass, muddy |
571 |
.zip |
000107 |
April 13 - 16:42 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, small sun glare |
580 |
.zip |
000108 |
April 13 - 16:47 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, small sun glare |
576 |
.zip |
000109 |
April 17 - 16:52 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, small sun glare |
579 |
.zip |
000110 |
April 17 - 19:53 EDT |
dusk, sunny, green grass |
573 |
.zip |
000111 |
April 18 - 14:04 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass |
571 |
.zip |
000112 |
April 18 - 14:09 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass |
570 |
.zip |
000113 |
April 18 - 16:59 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass |
577 |
.zip |
000114 |
April 18 - 17:12 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, small sun glare |
573 |
.zip |
000115 |
April 18 - 17:19 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, small sun glare |
578 |
.zip |
000116 |
April 20 - 15:12 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, green grass |
576 |
.zip |
000117 |
April 21 - 13:28 EDT |
mid-day, overcast, green grass |
567 |
.zip |
000118 |
April 21 - 13:34 EDT |
mid-day, overcast, green grass |
568 |
.zip |
000119 |
April 24 - 17:39 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, green grass, small sun glare |
575 |
.zip |
000120 |
April 25 - 15:35 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, green grass |
563 |
.zip |
000121 |
April 25 - 15:40 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, green grass |
560 |
.zip |
000122 |
April 27 - 11:24 EDT |
mid-day, sunny, green grass |
568 |
.zip |
000123 |
April 27 - 11:29 EDT |
mid-day, sunny, green grass |
560 |
.zip |
000124 |
May 03 - 14:10 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, tall grass |
576 |
.zip |
000125 |
May 03 - 15:44 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, tall grass |
576 |
.zip |
000126 |
May 03 - 18:31 EDT |
afternoon, sunny, green grass, tall grass, small sun glare |
587 |
.zip |
000127 |
May 04 - 11:08 EDT |
morning, cloudy, green grass, tall grass |
570 |
.zip |
000128 |
May 05 - 18:06 EDT |
afternoon, overcast, green grass, tall grass, muddy |
569 |
.zip |
000129 |
May 08 - 13:03 EDT |
mid-day, sunny, green grass, tall grass, dandelions |
586 |
.zip |
000130 |
May 08 - 13:08 EDT |
mid-day, sunny, green grass, tall grass, dandelions |
577 |
.zip |
000131 |
May 08 - 17:27 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, green grass, tall grass, dandelions |
560 |
.zip |
000132 |
May 09 - 13:14 EDT |
mid-day, cloudy, green grass, tall grass, dandelions |
576 |
.zip |
000133 |
May 09 - 13:18 EDT |
mid-day, cloudy, green grass, tall grass, dandelions |
569 |
.zip |
000134 |
May 11 - 14:03 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, green grass, tall grass, dandelions |
559 |
.zip |
000135 |
May 11 - 15:12 EDT |
afternoon, cloudy, green grass, tall grass, dandelions |
558 |
.zip |
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 Autonomous Space Robotics Lab at the University of Toronto
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.