![]() ![]() Autonomous Space Robotics LabHang Jason DongM.A.Sc. Candidate (University
Toronto) |
Contact Info Institute for
Aerospace Studies |
ResearchMy research focuses on development of novel techniques to address the problem of dark navigation in GPS denied environment. This work has direct space application in rover-based exploration of the permanently shadowed lunar craters, where there is strong scientific evidence to support existence of water ice. On earth the same technology can be used on search and rescue robots as well as industrial applications like underground mining. The actual approach will involve a form of fusion of existing (e.g. laser range scan and wheel odometry) and new (e.g. star tracker) sensing technologies to enable simultaneous localization and mapping in environments with insufficient or inconsistent lighting for traditional camera vision appearance based techniques. ![]() |
Scholarly ActivityPublicationsYou can also find my publications on Google ScholarConference PapersSubmitted[1] Dong H, Barfoot T. "Lighting-Invariant Visual Odometry using Lidar Intensity Imagery and Pose Interpolation". In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics (FSR), Matsushima, Japan, 16-19 July 2012.Accepted[2] Marion C L, Osinski G R, Abou-Aly S, Antonenko I, Barfoot T, Barry N, Bassi A, Battler M, Beauchamp M, Bondy M, Blain S, Capitan R, Cloutis E, Cupelli L, Chanou A, Clayton J, Daly M, Dong H, Ferriere L, Flemming R, Flynn L, Francis R, Furgale P, Gammell J, Garbino A, Ghafoor N, Grieve R A F, Hodges K, Hussein M, Jasiobedzki P, Jolliff B L, Kerrigan M C, Lambert A, Leung K, Mader M M, McCullough E, McManus C, Moores J, Ng H K, Otto C, Ozaruk A, Pickersgill A E, Pontefract A, Preston L J, Redman D, Sapers H, Shankar B, Shaver C, Singleton A, Souders K, Stenning B, Stooke P, Sylvester P, Tripp J, Tornabene L L, Unrau T, Veillette D, Young K, and Zanetti M. "A Series of Robotic and Human Analogue Missions in Support of Lunar Sample Return". In Proceedings of the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), 2333. Texas, USA, 19-23 March 2012.[3] Pickersgill A E, Osinski G R, Beauchamp M, Marion C, Mader M M, Francis R, McCullough E, Shanker B, Barfoot T D, Bondy M, Chanou A, Daly M, Dong H, Furgale P, Gammell J, N N G, Hussein M, Jasiobedski P, Lambert A, Leung K, McManus C, Ng H K, Pontefract A, Stenning B, Tornabene L L, Tripp J, and Team I. "Scientific Instrumentation for a Lunar Sample Return Analogue Mission". In Proceedings of the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), 2657. Texas, USA, 19-23 March 2012.< [4] Stenning B, Osinski G R, Barfoot T D, Basic G, Beauchamp M, Daly M, Dong H, Francis R, Furgale P, Gammell J, Ghafoor N, Lambert A, Leung K, Mader M, Marion C, McCullough E, McManus C, Moores J, and Preston L. "Planetary Surface Exploration Using a Network of Reusable Paths". In Proceedings of the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), 2360. Texas, USA, 19-23 March 2012. [5] Moores J, Francis R, Barfoot T, Barry N, Basic G, Battler M, Beauchamp M, Blain S, Bondy M, Capitan R D, Chanou A, Clayton J, Cloutis E, Daly M, Dickinson C, Dong H, Flemming R, Furgale P, Gammell J, Ghafoor N, Hussein M, Grieve R, Henrys H, Jaziobedski P, Lambert A, Leung K, Mader M, Marion C, McCullough E, McManus C, Neish C, Ng H, Ozaruk A, Pickersgill A, Preston L, Redman D, Sapers H, Shankar B, Singleton A, Souders K, Stenning B, Stooke P, Sylvester P, Tornabene L, and Osinski G. "Mission Operations Design for Lunar Sample Return as Field-Tested in an Analogue Deployment to the Sudbury Impact Structure". In Proceedings of the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC-DPS), October 2011. pp. 1728. OtherTechnical Presentation[6] Das A, Dong H,
C, Francisco
P, "Demonstrating
instant prototyping concept using custom made shape memory alloy based
rotary actuator", website Reports Prepared for Industry/Government[7] Dong H,
"Implementation of Platform Agnostic Mobile Chipset
Concurrency Test Scenarios" [8] Dong H, "Analysis of
Output Ripple and Noise in
Switched-Mode Power" [9] Dong H, "Improving Gantry Style Router Tracking Accuracy through Optical Linear Encoder Retrofit and Error Compensation Using Laser Interferometry", Prepared for Tekcel CNC Solutions, Ottawa, Ontario, Sept 2007 |
Field DeploymentsView CSA Lunar Analogue Missions 2011 in a larger map
EducationM.A.Sc. Candidate, Aerospace Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, Sept 2010 - present B.A.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, June 2010 |
Teaching AssistantshipAER372: Control Systems (Winter 2011) |
Prior ResearchPrecision Control Laboratory (Waterloo) January 2007- September 20081. Application of
feed-forward volumetric error compensation using custom dSpace
real-time controller |
Internship/Co-op Work ExperienceSoftware EngineeringEmbedded Software Developer, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, San Diego, CA, May - Sept 2010MultiOS Automation Test Developer, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, San Diego, CA, May - Sept 2009 Electrical EngineeringHardware Diagnostic Engineering Intern, Sandvine Inc, Waterloo, ON, Sept - Dec 2008Signal Integrity Engineering Intern, Advanced Micro Devices Inc, Markham, ON, Jan - Apr 2008 Mechanical EngineeringEngine Component Weight Analyst, Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp, Mississauga, ON, Sept - Dec 2006Mechanical Drafting, Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp, Mississauga, ON, Jan - Apr 2006 |
Last Updated: March 15th, 2012. |